Aloe vera – Aloe barbadensis


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You can plant the coir pot directly into the ground, which will eliminate root disturbance and help keep your plant happy. The roots will make their way through the pot and into the soil. The pot itself will decompose within about two months in healthy, watered soil.


Aloe barbadensis. 1.1L coir pot.

Aloe vera is most known for its ability to be a skin moisturiser and to relieve sunburn. The sap found inside the leaves, as well as the leaves themselves, are used as an anti-inflammatory which aids in promoting healing in burns as well as eczema.

It has also been found to be effective as a tooth gel in fighting cavities in teeth as well as fighting germs that damage gums.

Aloe vera is also used as a laxative to assist constipation, as a gel for fighting ulcers and it has also been used in topical creams for helping to protect the skin of patients receiving radiation therapy for breast cancer.

It is widely used in herbal remedies, food supplements, cosmetics and as a natural flavouring in food.

Aloe vera is a hardy, easy to grow plant. It requires a part sun position in well draining soil and occasional watering. If it gets too much sun it can burn and it will shrivel if it doesn’t receive enough water.

It can be kept in a pot and is also happy growing indoors.

It is a stemless plant which will grow to around 70cm tall and it will spread via pups.

It will produce bright yellow flowers in summer which will grow on a spike that will get up to around 90cm in height.