Greek Mountain Tea – Syderitis syriaca


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You can plant the coir pot directly into the ground, which will eliminate root disturbance and help keep your plant happy. The roots will make their way through the pot and into the soil. The pot itself will decompose within about two months in healthy, watered soil.

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Syderitis syriaca. 3.7L coir pot.

Native to the mountains surrounding the Mediterranean Sea, this aromatic, woody perennial was traditionally taken as a tea due to its anti-oxidant, anti-inflammatory and anti-microbial properties.

The leaves and flowers can be boiled in water and often honey and lemon are added.

Traditionally, the plant has been used to strengthen the immune system, relieve coughs and congestion, aid with digestion problems, mild pain and anxiety. The plant is also believed to assist with stomach ailments, insomnia and restlessness.

Preferring a full sun location, this plant is very hardy once established.


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