Mugwort – Artemisia vulgaris


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You can plant the coir pot directly into the ground, which will eliminate root disturbance and help keep your plant happy. The roots will make their way through the pot and into the soil. The pot itself will decompose within about two months in healthy, watered soil.

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Artemisia vulgaris. 1.1L coir pot.

Mugwort is a tall, bushy perennial native to Northern Asia, Africa and Europe.

This tough, perennial herb has been used for medicinal purposes since the Middle Ages. It has also been used for magical / witchcraft preparations and religious / ritual purposes. Often known as a dream herb, it is believed to enhance lucid dreaming and assist with a good sleep.

Commonly, the fresh leaves are used in tea. It is believed by some that Mugwort can assist with insomnia and constipation. It is said by some to assist with problems with the reproductive system and bring on delayed menstruation. It is believed by some to be a digestive stimulant, an easer of gout and a deterrent to intestinal parasites.

Plant Mugwort in a full sun position and prune back every year (usually after flowering) for nice new strong growth. You can prune it back hard if you want as it’s a very vigorous grower.

It’ll grow about 1.3m high by 1m wide and displays pretty, small white flowers. It can seed very easily so the flowers should be removed prior to the seeds setting.

Mugwort can handle most soil types, prefers dry conditions and is tolerant of droughts.

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