Native Lemongrass – Cymbopogon ambiguus


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You can plant the coir pot directly into the ground, which will eliminate root disturbance and help keep your plant happy. The roots will make their way through the pot and into the soil. The pot itself will decompose within about two months in healthy, watered soil.


Cymbopogon ambiguus. 1.1L coir pot.

This Australian native lemongrass is highly aromatic, with the leaves offering a citrus fragrance.

Harvest the stalks when they’re about the thickness of your little finger, by twisting them off at the base. You can use them fresh, dry them or freeze them for later use.

The grass grows about 80cm high, prefers a full sun to part shade position and tolerates dry conditions once established.

The plant has traditionally been used to treat chest infections and flu-like symptoms, among other ailments.